Expert legal advice from The Competition Lawyers

Veterinary Services Market: CMA’s Review

First published by Author on November 01, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Healthcare Industry Investigations Latest and tagged with | | | |

veterinary services market

In recent times, the veterinary services market has been under scrutiny by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in a bid to ensure fair competition and consumer welfare.

This market review sheds light on potentially critical aspects of the industry. In this article from the team here at The Competition Lawyers, we will delve into the details of the CMA’s recent market review and its implications for both consumers and industry players. Given how lucrative the market for pets is, it is clear that this is an industry that requires healthy competition at all times.

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Unregulated Legal Services Under Scrutiny: CMA Investigation

First published by Author on October 11, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Investigations Legal and tagged with | | | |

unregulated legal services

Unregulated legal services have been a subject of concern for both consumers and the legal profession alike, and the UK’s competition regulator has been looking into the sector.

The landscape of legal services is a vital component of any functioning society, ensuring access to justice and protection of individual rights. However, not all legal services are created equal. In this article, we delve into a recent investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) into unregulated legal services, focusing on the investigation into will writing and other unregulated legal services.

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CMA Investigation: Consumer Protection in the Green Heating and Insulation Sector

First published by Author on September 20, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Investigations Latest and tagged with | | | |

green heating and insulation

In an era marked by increasing environmental consciousness, the green heating and insulation sector has gained substantial traction for commitment to energy-efficient and sustainable solutions.

However, as this sector grows, so does the need for robust consumer protection measures. The UK’s Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has taken a significant step in this direction by addressing concerns within the industry in particular.

This article will look at the implications of the CMA’s actions and provides insights into ensuring consumer protection in the evolving landscape of green heating and insulation.

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Housebuilding market study – CMA latest

First published by Author on August 02, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Latest Market Studies and tagged with | | | |

housebuilding market study

Earlier this year, the UK’s competition regulator, the CMA, launched its housebuilding market study to look at whether there are any concerns in relation to competition and consumer law.

In this article, we take a brief look at the CMA study, although it is in its infancy and there is still much more work that needs to be done.

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Latest in the CMA road fuel market study

First published by Author on July 05, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Investigations Latest Pricing and tagged with | | | | | |

road fuel market study

The CMA recently published an update in respect of its road fuel market study where it had been looking into the prices and competition in this particular sector.

The study was launched last year and came at an important time when the cost-of-living crisis was really hitting us all and continues to cause significant problems for families across the UK. It is essential to make sure that no companies are breaching competition law and that consumers are not being taken advantage of, particularly when we are all feeling the squeeze.

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CMA suspects anti-competitive behaviour regarding production and broadcasting of sports content

First published by Author on June 07, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Digital Industry Investigations Sports and tagged with | | | |

production and broadcasting of sports

Since July 2022, the CMA has been looking into suspected anti-competitive behaviour in relation to the production and broadcasting of sports content in the UK for both freelance and employed labour.

The early CMA suspicions involve potential suspected breaches of competition law which the UK’s competition regulator has been looking into over the last 12 months or so. The CMA has yet to make any final determinations, but it appears to have made considerable headway in relation to the ongoing investigation.

As things stand, further information is still being gathered by the watchdog to determine whether any infringements have taken place.

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Fragrances and fragrance ingredients – suspected anti-competitive conduct

First published by Author on May 03, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Investigations Latest and tagged with | | |

double glazing

The CMA has confirmed that it has launched an investigation into suspected anti-competitive conduct relating to the fragrances and fragrance ingredients sector.

The CMA launched its investigation in March 2022, so we are only at the very beginning of the UK competition regulator and watchdog looking into what may or may not have happened. The CMA has confirmed that it has reason to believe that such behaviour may be taking place, and they are also liaising with international partners in respect of the investigation.

If any breaches of the Competition Act are established, this would constitute a serious matter that will need to be dealt with, and the CMA may wish to issue fines and prosecutions.

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Unit pricing in the groceries sector: CMA project

First published by Author on April 12, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Investigations Latest Pricing and tagged with | | | | |

finance and credit cards

The CMA has launched a project to look at the unit pricing in the grocery sector which, I think we can all agree, is a particularly important matter given the ongoing cost-of-living crisis.

The CMA has published its announcement in respect of the project recently, so we are very much in the early stages of this particular one. The matter also follows a previous Super Complaint in respect of the complexities and issues that could have been impeding the ability of consumers to make informed choices in respect of price comparison.

Read on for a little bit of information about this latest CMA project. I think we can all agree it is one to watch given that we are all feeling the pinch at the moment.

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Amazon marketplace investigation – CMA

First published by Author on March 01, 2023 in the following categories: Industry Investigations Latest Market Dominance Abuse and tagged with | | |

Amazon marketplace investigation

The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) is conducting an Amazon marketplace investigation to make sure that no competition laws are being breached.

We take a brief look at the information the CMA has provided so far as a pivotally important investigation that the competition regulator is conducting.

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Old and written-off vehicles – suspected anti-competitive conduct

First published by Author on February 01, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Latest and tagged with | | | |

old and written-off vehicles

The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) is looking into suspected anti-competitive conduct in relation to old and written-off vehicles in the UK.

The investigation began approximately a year ago, and we will outline an update that has already been published by the CMA at the end of last year in respect of a penalty notice that has been issued.

The car industry is massive, and there have been a number of scandals that it has been involved in in recent years, and it can be somewhat of a murky area in terms of consumer confidence. The CMA’s work in identifying if there have been any breaches of competition law is incredibly important. If any breaches are established, swift and effective action could be taken.

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