Expert legal advice from The Competition Lawyers

In the UK, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is responsible for regulating business and stopping anti-competitive behaviour. They were fully established in April 2014, taking over responsibilities from their predecessor, the Office of Fair Trading (OFT).

They can investigate and prosecute companies for anti-competitive behaviour amongst other business practices deemed as unfair; working with the European Commissioner for Competition to ensure a level playing field across the European Economic Area.

If an organisation or a group of organisations are found to have breached UK legislation that is designed to protect Consumers from being taken advantage of, we as Competition Lawyers can step in pursue monetary damages for victims involved - which includes individuals and organisations who have been affected.

Do I have a Claim?

Both individuals and organisations affected by anti-competitive behaviour can be entitled to claim financial compensation.

If an organisation or a group of organisations are found to have been exhibiting anti-competitive behaviour, anyone financially affected may be eligible to claim.

In most cases it is the consumers who lose out - whether these are individual consumers or businesses who have suffered from anti-competitive business-to-business behaviour.

The knock on effects of anti-competitive behaviour can be huge and can significantly sour an industry or market when the fairness and justness of a level playing field is disrupted. The whole idea of legislation like the Competition Act 1998, and the Consumer Rights Act 2014, is to ensure people are not exploited.

Anti-competitive behaviour is exploitation - it's as simple as that!

We vow to fight for the rights of victims who have paid the price for anti-competitive practices.

You have rights - our job is to fight for them!

As a victim you are entitled to claim, and our Competition Claims Lawyers are here to help you.

If you personally, or your organisation, has been the victim of anti-competitive behaviour, you may be entitled to claim for Competition Compensation.

The most common type of case involves consumers paying higher prices. If you have paid higher prices because of any of the following, you may have a justified Competition Compensation Claim

  • Price fixing and Cartels intentionally fixing prices higher, resulting in consumers paying more
  • Intentional supply limitation / restriction forcing consumers to pay more
  • Price discrimination - setting prices higher for certain types of consumers
  • Abuse of market dominance or market position

What can you claim for?

Our Specialist Competition Lawyers are geared to help you recover any financial losses caused as a result of anti-competitive behaviour

Typically for Competition Compensation, you are claiming for a financial loss. In terms of paying a higher price through Price Fixing and Cartels, you can typically claim the monetary difference between what you actually paid and what you ought to have paid.

If you have been unfairly pushed out of the market because of another competitor abusing their market position, through predatory pricing as one example, you could claim for loss of revenue as a result of what's happened.

Claims of this nature normally allow for a victim to claim for interest as well - so you can recover the financial loss and interest on top of the amount claimed.

What should You do?

If you think you might have been the victim of anti-competitive behaviour, The Competition Lawyers want to hear from you.

Even if you are not sure, we're more than happy to offer free, no obligation advice, where you really do have nothing to lose.

Unlike a lot of the companies who advertise for compensation claims services, we are actually a REAL LAW FIRM. Our firm can represent you for the claim if you instruct us - we are not some referral service or advice service. Coming to us means you come direct to the source.

That's direct access to decades of legal experience.

We have been building close relationships with some of the top barristers and experts across the country for years, and right now we act for thousands of consumers for the biggest actions in the UK - and across the world.

You can contact us on 0800 634 75 75 or by email here, or by completing a Contact Form below.

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Our Competition Lawyers are accepting cases now - please contact us for help.
-- PWS