Category: Compensation Claims
Review of Veterinary Services for Household Pets: Insights and Implications
First published by Author on June 26, 2024 in the following categories: Compensation Claims Consumer Law Industry Latest Market Studies Pricing and tagged with cma | competition law | consumer law | investigations | market study | pricing
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has initiated a review of the veterinary services for household pets.
This move aims to ensure that pet owners receive fair, transparent, and competitive services for their beloved animals. At The Competition Lawyers, we understand the importance of this review and are here to break down its key aspects and implications for pet owners.
The CMA reviews that take place are usually focused on ensuring compliance with key competition law.
The Cloud Services Market Investigation by the CMA
First published by Author on January 03, 2024 in the following categories: Compensation Claims Consumer Law Digital Industry Latest and tagged with cloud technology | cma | competition law | consumer law | investigations
In this article, we delve into the details of the CMA’s cloud services market investigation and explore its implications for businesses.
The digital era has ushered in a profound reliance on cloud services, providing businesses with unparalleled efficiency, flexibility, and scalability. However, recent developments in the Cloud Services Market have prompted a comprehensive investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA).
The Competition Lawyers, with our expertise in navigating complex legal landscapes, can offer guidance on the challenges presented by this investigation.
Suspected anti-competition arrangements in the financial services sector
First published by Author on July 07, 2021 in the following categories: Cartels Compensation Claims Industry Investigations Price Fixing Pricing and tagged with cartels | cma | competition law | financial | investigations | price fixing | pricing
The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the government body that regulates business competition in the UK, previously published an update with regards to its investigation into the financial services sector relating to alleged suspected anti-competition arrangements.
The update followed the UK government’s declaration of a post-Brexit trade deal with the European Union, with the CMA announcing that the investigation will continue beyond the conclusion of the exit transition period. Previously, the investigation was also seeking to ascertain whether an infringement of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union (TFEU) had occurred, but now it will proceed in respect of UK competition law, solely investigating the possibility of a breach of the Competition Act 1998 (CA98).
CMA initiates court action against Care UK
First published by Author on February 14, 2019 in the following categories: Care Homes Compensation Claims Investigations and tagged with care home | cma | pricing
There’s been a huge development in the care homes consumer protection case. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has initiated court action against Care UK.
We recently blogged about the developments in the care homes consumer protection case where pre-action letters had been sent. Now, they have proceeded with court action against Care UK.
The reason for the court action is because the CMA isn’t satisfied with the response from care UK following the investigations. Although they’ve stopped charging administration fees that the CMA had deemed to be breaking consumer protection laws, they haven’t agreed to refunds. The CMA has taken issue with their stance.
Viagogo taken to court by the CMA!
First published by Author on December 07, 2018 in the following categories: Compensation Claims Investigations Selling Restrictions and tagged with cma | Compensation | competition law | secondary ticketing
Big news in the competition industry right now is the news of Viagogo taken to court by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority).
Proceedings were launched by the CMA in August 2018. This came off the back of the longstanding reviews and investigations they’ve been conducting into the secondary ticketing market.
Following the recent court case, the CMA has obtained a court order which compels Viagogo to change their business behaviour. It also opens the door for potentially millions of ponds to be paid back in compensation to customers. On top of that, they will also have to pay a third-party auditor to monitor their practices.
The loyalty penalty super complaint
First published by Author on October 26, 2018 in the following categories: Compensation Claims Industry Latest and tagged with loyalty penalties
A loyalty penalty super complaint has been initiated, which is being investigated by UK’s competition regulators, the CMA.
The CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) are looking into the issue. A super complaint is a complaint usually made by a consumer body where a large number of consumers may be affected by the same issue. The complaint aims to ensure that consumers are always getting a fair deal instead of being ripped off.
The loyalty penalty super complaint relates to the mobile phone, broadband, savings accounts, mortgages and household insurance markets.
Online dating competition investigation concludes
First published by Author on September 28, 2018 in the following categories: Advertising Compensation Claims and tagged with cma | competition law | online dating
The online dating competition investigation conducted by the CMA has come to a conclusion, with undertakings agreed by Venntro Media Group Limited.
The investigation was launched in October 2017 by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) over concerns about breaches of consumer protection law. The concerns surrounded advertising, use of consumers’ data and potentially unfair terms and conditions.
Venntro has now agreed to a number of undertakings in order to satisfy the CMA’s concerns and ensure fair competition in the online dating sector.
Do you need competition law advice?
First published by Author on September 16, 2018 in the following categories: Compensation Claims Investigations and tagged with Compensation
If you need competition law advice if you think a breach has taken place and the breach has affected you, our Competition Lawyers can help.
Whether you’re an individual who feels you’re on the wrong end of a competition breach, a business owner whose supply chain needs investigating, or a whistle-blower at an organisation where a breaches are happening, we may be able to help you.
With fines from the UK’s competition watchdog, the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), potentially running into the million of pounds, and compensation claims for victims of competition breaches, organisations cannot afford to breach the law; let alone the fact they ought to be acting with the best interests of the consumer in mind anyway.