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Tag: secondary ticketing

Viagogo court case steps up

First published by Author on July 11, 2019 in the following categories: Advertising Industry Investigations Latest Pricing Selling Restrictions and tagged with | | | | | |

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The ongoing Viagogo court case between the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) and the secondary ticketing website is about to step up.

The CMA are reportedly moving ahead with contempt of court proceedings on the basis that they say Viagogo is still failing to adhere to a court order obtained earlier this year.

This is huge news, and it’s alarming to hear that the CMA considers that the ticketing resellers are still failing to comply with a court order. Following a market sector review, a number of firms changed their behaviours, but it appears that Viagogo isn’t fully complying.

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CMA secondary ticketing investigation updated

First published by Author on January 18, 2019 in the following categories: Investigations Latest Price Hikes Pricing and tagged with | |

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There has been another update in the CMA secondary ticketing investigation following on from the recent court action against Viagogo.

As of yesterday, the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) demanded that a number of the big players in the secondary ticketing market must have improved their business behaviour. This ongoing investigation and review is hugely important given the growth in touts and overcharging. This is among practices that have arguably made pricing unclear, with the consumer not being protected by the market players.

The changes that the CMA are pushing through should help to defend the consumers against unfair practices. It should ensure consumer rights are not infringed and should enforce the ticketing companies to act more responsibly.

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Viagogo taken to court by the CMA!

First published by Author on December 07, 2018 in the following categories: Compensation Claims Investigations Selling Restrictions and tagged with | | |

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Big news in the competition industry right now is the news of Viagogo taken to court by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority).

Proceedings were launched by the CMA in August 2018. This came off the back of the longstanding reviews and investigations they’ve been conducting into the secondary ticketing market.

Following the recent court case, the CMA has obtained a court order which compels Viagogo to change their business behaviour. It also opens the door for potentially millions of ponds to be paid back in compensation to customers. On top of that, they will also have to pay a third-party auditor to monitor their practices.

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