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Tag: Pharmaceuticals

Hydrocortisone Tablet Pricing: A Look at the CMA Case

First published by Author on December 06, 2023 in the following categories: Consumer Law Industry Investigations Latest Pricing and tagged with | | | | | | |

Hydrocortisone tablet pricing

In recent times, the issue of Hydrocortisone tablet pricing has garnered significant attention, prompting regulatory bodies to investigate alleged excessive and unfair pricing, anti-competitive agreements, and alleged abusive conduct within the pharmaceutical industry.

The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) has been at the forefront of addressing these concerns, exemplified by its recent case which focuses on Hydrocortisone tablets.

In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the case, shedding light on key aspects of Hydrocortisone tablet pricing and the implications for the pharmaceutical industry.

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CMA investigation into suspected anti-competitive pharmaceuticals agreements

First published by Author on January 05, 2022 in the following categories: Healthcare Industry Investigations Price Fixing Price Hikes Pricing and tagged with | | | | | | |

liothyronine tablets investigation

In late 2017, the CMA released a statement announcing that it had begun an investigation into suspected anti-competitive pharmaceuticals agreements between “various parties”.

The pharmaceutical companies under review were kept anonymous until 2019. Then, according to the CMA, they alleged that Alliance Pharmaceuticals, Focus, Lexon, and Medreich had reportedly made agreements to not compete in regard to supplying anti-nausea drug Prochlorperazine.

In January, the CMA published an update regarding their investigation, which was set to conclude in Autumn 2021. As the case approaches its end, we look back at investigation so far and assess the potential damage the anti-competitive agreements may have caused.

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Provisional finding in drug price hikes case

First published by Author on December 04, 2019 in the following categories: Healthcare Investigations Price Hikes and tagged with | | | | |

Pharmaceutical abuse

The UK’s competition regulator has made a provisional finding in the longstanding investigation into drug price hikes, and the outcome is damning.

Issues surrounding pharmaceutical competition breaches are numerous and serious. At the end of the day, the consumer in these cases is patients and the NHS; that’s our tax money.

Any infringement of vital competition laws when it comes to medical matters should always lead to significant punishments, and the work of the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority) in this area is incredibly important. The provisional finding in this matter accompanies an admission from one of the companies involved as well.

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Anti-competitive agreements for pharmaceutical drugs: statement of objections issued

First published by Author on August 12, 2019 in the following categories: Market Sharing Price Fixing Price Hikes Pricing and tagged with | | | | | | |

liothyronine tablets investigation

In the latest investigation into suspected anti-competitive agreements for pharmaceutical drugs, a statement of objections has been issued by the CMA (Competition and Markets Authority).

The statement was issued last month and relates to a number of pharmaceutical companies who stand accused of participating in anti-competitive behaviour. Whether it’s a case of formal agreements in place, or concerted practices, the issue surrounds the supply of 50mg and 100mg nitrofurantoin capsules in the UK.

This investigation by the CMA into the practices of pharmaceutical firms is one of many that have been ongoing for a number of years. They’re one of the most important areas the CMA needs to safeguard.

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Provisional finding in the pharmaceuticals competition investigation

First published by Author on May 30, 2019 in the following categories: Cartels Industry Market Sharing Price Fixing Price Hikes Pricing and tagged with | | | | | | |

There has been a provisional finding in the pharmaceuticals competition investigation by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) who have been looking into companies for quite some time.

It has been alleged that anti-competitive agreements are in place between four firms in the sector, and the calculated costs to the NHS is terrifying. If the provisional finding is formalised, huge fines could be issued to the alleged offenders involved in the investigation.

The costs of anti-competitive arrangements in the pharmaceutical industry often fall on the NHS, and therefore on the taxpayer, which is why these kinds of investigations are incredibly important.

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Provisional finding in hydrocortisone competition case

First published by Author on March 28, 2019 in the following categories: Latest Market Sharing Price Fixing Price Hikes Pricing and tagged with | | | | | | |

Pharmaceutical abuse

There’s been a provisional finding by the Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) in the important hydrocortisone competition case, with a Statement of Objections issued.

In the coming weeks, the CMA expect written and oral representations to be made following the Statement of Objections that’s been issued.

The provisional findings of the CMA are incredibly worrying. It all comes down whether the two companies at the heart of the investigation colluded in order to charge higher prices and make bigger profits; all at the expense of our NHS, and our hard-earned tax money.

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Pharmaceutical competition investigation extended

First published by Author on February 01, 2019 in the following categories: Industry Investigations and tagged with | | | |

liothyronine tablets investigation

The pharmaceutical competition investigation has had a key deadline extended this month. The time being allowed for the analysis of information has been moved.

The ongoing pharmaceutical competition investigation is an important one. The Competition and Markets Authority (CMA) is looking into potential breaches of important competition law. Specifically, they’re looking at two different generic pharmaceutical drugs and whether there are illegal anti-competitive agreements and conduct in place.

This is an important sector when it comes to healthy competition. Any breaches need to be severely punished.

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